Перевод названия: Interference immunity of the correlation receiver MSK-BOC signal to a concentrated interference
Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2017
Ключевые слова: помехоустойчивость, шумоподобные сигналы, энергетический спектр, частотная расстройка, noise immunity, Noise-like signals, power spectrum, Frequency detuning
Аннотация: Выполнена оценка помехоустойчивости корреляционного приемника шумоподобных сигналов формата MSK-BOC к сосредоточенной помехе. Показано, что подавление помехи определяется в первую очередь длиной кодовой последовательности и в меньшей мере - форматом модуляции (формой элемента сигнала.) Установлено, что выигрыш в помехоустойчивости Показать полностьюрассмотренных сигналов формата MSK-BOC по сравнению с сигналом с традиционной модуляцией MSK составил около 2 дБ. Narrow band interferences generated by other systems, being the result of their regular functioning. In general, this type of interference is not deliberate. In this case, narrow band interference is most dangerous in a non-adaptive scenario. With the correlation processing of the received spread-spectrum signal, the narrow band interference is decorrelated, resulting in effect of a fluctuation noise. The dominant contribution to interference suppression is made by the code. With the length of the code N, the interference power is attenuated N times. The influence of the modulation type (IQ-element shape) is small and it’s determined by the modulation energy spectrum multiplier. A promising way of modulating signals in broadband navigation systems is binary offset carrier modulation (BOC). Due to a wide range of signals used, which are usually called meandering spread spectrum signals or BOC signals, high tactical performance of the systems is provided. This is, above all, the code delay measuring accuracy and multipath interference immunity. The wide use of BOC signals in terrestrial long range broadband navigation systems is limited by frequency resource restriction. The use of BOC modulation in combination with minimum frequency modulation schemes makes it possible to significantly reduce the negative impact of the broadband signal spectrum restriction on system’s basic tactical performance. Expressions for the energy spectra, as well as the attenuation index of the narrow band interference due to the shape of the chip for MSK-BOC (n) signals are given. Based on the results it is shown that the most dangerous is the narrow band interference with frequency offset relative to the signal equal to 0, 0,8, 1,4 and 2 for MSK signals (= 0,9 dB), MSK-BOC(2) (= 2,7 dB), MSK-BOC(3) (= 2,9 dB) and MSK-BOC(4) (= 2,9 dB), respectively. For the same code length N = 1023 with the specified frequency offset, the suppression of the narrow band interference by the correlator will be about 31 dB for the MSK signal and about 33 dB for the MSK-BOC(2), MSK-BOC(3) and MSK-BOC(4) signals. The noise immunity gain of the considered MSK-BOC signals compared to the signal with traditional MSK modulation will be about 2 dB.
Журнал: Успехи современной радиоэлектроники
Выпуск журнала: № 12
Номера страниц: 71-74
ISSN журнала: 20700784
Место издания: Москва
Издатель: Закрытое акционерное общество Издательство Радиотехника