Перевод названия: Antenna array beam-forming arrangement based on ridge waveguide
Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2017
Ключевые слова: антенная решетка, диаграммообразующая схема, П-образный волновод, гребенчатый волновод, antenna array, beam-forming arrangement, ridge waveguide, continuous transverse stub
Аннотация: Рассмотрена диаграммообразующая схема антенной решетки, выполненная на основе П-образных прямоугольных волноводов. Отмечено, что результатами как выбора типа волновода, так и технических решений являются широкий диапазон рабочих частот и малое расстояние между смежными волноводными выходами в плоскости деления, позволяющее исключитПоказать полностьюь появление дифракционных лепестков в диаграмме направленности антенной решетки, либо создавать диаграммообразующую схему с переходом на электрически широкий ТЕМ-волновод. Ridge waveguides are widely used for microwave path and its elements design [1]. Benefits of ridge waveguides are known [2] and consist in wider single-mode bandwidth in comparison with rectangular waveguide. Beam-forming arrangement elements based on ridge waveguides, like dividers and multiplexers, are remarkable with broadband response [3,5,6]. It is necessary to mark, that in principle, waveguide dividers based on rectangular waveguides could be wideband. However, compact divider in H-plane with as much as possible dense waveguide outputs arrangement realization in wide bandwidth became practically impossible. Combining the analyzed approaches and solutions, present work offers antenna array ridge waveguide beam-forming arrangement, which allows to excite TEM mode oscillation in electrically wide waveguide in wide frequency range. Such kind of realization is suitable for Continuous Transverse Stub arrays. Another way of the presented beam-forming arrangement utilization is to extend it with E-plane dividers or to load with radiating elements. In that case, achieved high density of outputs arrangement allows to avoid diffraction lobes appearance in the antenna array pattern. Proposed beam-forming arrangement consist of transition from rectangular WR42 waveguide to ridge waveguide; three steps of ridge waveguide divider; fourth step of ridge waveguide divider with as much as possible dense waveguide outputs arrangement; and of transitions to TEM-waveguide. There are the beam-forming arrangement calculated S-parameters at operating frequency range and field distribution image at central frequency. Reflection coefficient for the operating range of 18…26 GHz is less than -20 dB. All calculated results are derived from numerical computations with a solver based on finite integration method. Proposed design takes into account manufacturing requirements for milling technology.
Журнал: Успехи современной радиоэлектроники
Выпуск журнала: № 12
Номера страниц: 7-11
ISSN журнала: 20700784
Место издания: Москва
Издатель: Закрытое акционерное общество Издательство Радиотехника