Three paintings by Albert-Charles Lebourg and philosophical foundations of Impressionism of the last third of the XIX – first third of the XX centuries : научное издание


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2014

Ключевые слова: art studies, cultural studies, impressionism, painting, Albert Charles Lebourg, landscape, philosophy of art, Ernst Mach, buddhism, visual thinking

Аннотация: Subject of research in this article is an artistic work of the great French artist Albert-Charles Lebourg. Paintings by Albert-Charles Lebourg belong to the artistic direction of French Impressionism. The authors make the philosophical and art historical analysis of the works of Albert-Charles Lebourg:1) “Snow in Auvergne” (the oriПоказать полностьюginal title “The Bridge over the Allier in Pont du Chateau in Winter” ) (1886); 2) “The Banks of the Seine”, 1889; 3) “The Two Boats in the Rays of the Rouen Sun”, circa 1900. Research Methodology has philosophical and art historical analysis, which was developed by Russian philosophers and art historians: Danneel Pivovarov, Vladimir Zhukovsky, Natalia Koptseva. The article describing the method of art history work of art. The authors use the method of conceptual analysis to uncover the philosophical origins of French Impressionism. The hypothesis was proposed that for the first time in European artistic and intellectual practices Impressionism showed a new paradigm, connected with overcoming the difference between a person's internal and external reality, with the discovery of artistic form for expressing primary and universal integrity, given in direct experience and divided in psychic reality into external and internal dimensions. The critical artistic analysis of the three paintings by the great French Impressionist Albert -Charles Lebourg was made: “Snow in Auvergne”, “The banks of the Seine”, “The two boats in the rays of Rouen sun”, the main artistic ideas of these paintings were revealed. A deep conceptual link of the three paintings by Albert -Charles Lebourg was found, on the one hand, both artistic Buddhism and artistic psychologism (as cult (popular) conceptions of European intellectual life before the First World War). It was shown that Impressionist landscapes of this painter create and convey strongest visual impressions, modeling not only visual reality, but integral psychophysical reality, including the process of immediate flow of visual sensations, that has created and is supporting this strongest impression.

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Журнал: Sententia. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Выпуск журнала: 1

Номера страниц: 78-90

ISSN журнала: 13393057

Место издания: Москва

Издатель: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "НБ-Медиа"


  • Koptzeva Nataliya Petrovna (Professor of Siberia Federal University)
  • Reznikova Ksenia (Siberia Federal University)

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