Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Год издания: 2014
Идентификатор DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-43385-0_3
Ключевые слова: Bioluminescence, Ecological monitoring, Enzymatic assay, Immobilization, Integral water toxicity, Luciferase, enzyme, bioassay, ecology, genetic procedures, luminescence, metabolism, procedures, toxicity testing, Biological Assay, Biosensing Techniques, Enzymes, Luminescent Measurements, Toxicity Tests
Аннотация: This review examines the general principles of bioluminescent enzymatic toxicity bioassays and describes the applications of these methods and the implementation in commercial biosensors. Bioluminescent enzyme system technology (BEST) has been proposed in the bacterial coupled enzyme system, wherein NADH: FMN-oxidoreductase-luciferПоказать полностьюase substitutes for living organisms. BEST was introduced to facilitate and accelerate the development of cost-competitive enzymatic systems for use in biosensors for medical, environmental, and industrial applications. For widespread use of BEST, the multicomponent reagent "Enzymolum'' has been developed, which contains the bacterial luciferase, NADH: FMN-oxidoreductase, and their substrates, co-immobilized in starch or gelatin gel. Enzymolum is the central part of Portable Laboratory for Toxicity Detection (PLTD), which consists of a biodetector module, a sampling module, a sample preparation module, and a reagent module. PLTD instantly signals chemical-biological hazards and allows us to detect a wide range of toxic substances. Enzymolum can be integrated as a biological module into the portable biodetector-biosensor originally constructed for personal use. Based on the example of Enzymolum and the algorithm for creating new enzyme biotests with tailored characteristics, a new approach was demonstrated in biotechnological design and construction. The examples of biotechnological design of various bioluminescent methods for ecological monitoring were provided. Possible applications of enzyme bioassays are seen in the examples for medical diagnostics, assessment of the effect of physical load on sportsmen, analysis of food additives, and in practical courses for higher educational institutions and schools. The advantages of enzymatic assays are their rapidity (the period of time required does not exceed 3-5 min), high sensitivity, simplicity and safety of procedure, and possibility of automation of ecological monitoring; the required luminometer is easily available.
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 144
Номера страниц: 67-109
ISSN журнала: 07246145
Место издания: BERLIN