Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 1994
Идентификатор DOI: 10.1070/QE1994v024n09ABEH000189
Аннотация: An investigation was made of a waveguide CO2 laser excited by a combination of a high-voltage longitudinal dc discharge and a transverse rf capacitance discharge. The combined discharge filled more homogeneously the discharge channel with a plasma than did the dc and rf discharges separately. The dependences of the laser radiation Показать полностьюpower on the direct current were determined. The current- voltage characteristics were obtained for different values of the rf power. For certain ratios of the contributions of the dc and rf discharges, the former acquired the properties of a non-self-sustained discharge. A qualitative analysis of the effect was made. © 1994 Kvantovaya Elektronika and Turpion Ltd.
Журнал: Quantum Electronics
Выпуск журнала: Т. 24, № 9
Номера страниц: 769-770
ISSN журнала: 10637818
Место издания: Москва
Издатель: Turpion Limited