Перевод названия: The role of the prosecutor in the elimination of investigative errors
Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2017
Идентификатор DOI: 10.17223/23088451/10/21
Ключевые слова: предварительное расследование, прокурорский надзор, процессуальное руководство, следственные ошибки, preliminary investigation, Prosecutor''s supervision, procedural management, investigative errors
Аннотация: Рассматривается прокурорский надзор в досудебном производстве по уголовным делам как эффективный способ выявления и устранения следственных ошибок. Делается обоснованный вывод о необходимости расширения надзорных полномочий прокурора, а также придания функции процессуального руководства за предварительным следствием полноценного хаПоказать полностьюрактера. В результате исследования сделаны конкретные законодательные предложения, принятие которых позволит минимизировать допущение следственных ошибок. The article examines the prosecutor's supervision in pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases as an effective way to identify and eliminate investigative errors. The provisions of the article conceptually substantiate the model of permanent prosecutor's supervision as the main control and supervisory activity in pre-trial proceedings in a criminal case which effectively implements strategies of criminal proceedings and of the protection of human rights. This model of prosecutor's supervision as a significant supervisory power of the prosecutor provides for a full procedural management of procedural activities in pre-trial proceedings. As such a manager, the prosecutor must have the power to initiate criminal proceedings, correct the preliminary investigation (cancel illegal and / or unreasonable decisions of the investigator (inquirer), extend the period of the preliminary investigation, etc.), resolve complaints of participants in criminal proceedings and interested persons, issue formal demands to eliminate the violations of the law, give conclusions when the court exercises judicial control at pre-trial stages, express consent as a guarantor of legality for the conduct of procedural actions which encroach on the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen, determine a specific body to carry out a full, comprehensive and objective investigation in a criminal case in accordance with the requirements of the law and the rules of investigation if required, return the criminal case to the investigator and the inquirer for additional investigation, etc. The prosecutor must also have the power to finally incriminate criminal charges against a person, as well as to conclude a pre-trial cooperation agreement with them and to stop criminal prosecution. With this model of the prosecutor's supervision, the authors of the article do not exclude the legal transfer of part of the powers of the court at the pre-trial stages of criminal proceedings to the prosecutor. It is this model of the prosecutor's supervision that will allow, in a timely and effective manner, to identify, correct and prevent investigative errors at the pre-trial stages of criminal proceedings.
Журнал: Уголовная юстиция
Выпуск журнала: № 10
Номера страниц: 121-128
ISSN журнала: 23088451
Место издания: Томск
Издатель: Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет"