Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2023
Аннотация: Relevance. In the context of the global trend towards sustainable development, there is a problem of utilization of ash and slag waste from thermal power plants. The use of these wastes in the construction industry is of particular importance, due to the resource intensity of the production of building materials. Fly ash in the buiПоказать полностьюlding materials composition can influence to a large extent the natural radioactivity of structures and increase the background radiation in the buildings. This is due to the fact that when coal combusting, fly ash is enriched with natural radionuclides. Purpose: to study the radioactivity of fly ash deposited on various fields of the electrostatic precipitator. Object: fly ash deposited on the fields of electrostatic precipitators from the combustion of Kansk-Achinsk brown coal in power boilers BKZ-420-140 PT-2. Methods. Content of Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40 was determined by gamma-spectrometric method, the value of the normalized indicator of specific effective activity for fly ash was calculated. The granulometric composition of the studied samples was determined by the method of laser diffraction analysis. Cluster analysis was used for statistical processing of test results. Results. The presence of two clusters in the content of natural radionuclides was established. In the first cluster, which has high radioactivity, the first and second fields of UGZ-4 electrostatic precipitators are combined, and in the second - the third and fourth fields. A correlation dependence was established between the numbers of fields of electrostatic precipitators, the size of ash particles, the content of Ra-226 and specific effective activity was established. No such dependence was found for Th-232. Conclusions. Particle distribution in the fields of electrostatic precipitators is multimodal. The nature of the distribution of each mode approaches the lognormal law. The content of radium and the value of the specific effective activity depend on the size of ash particles and are described by an exponential function. The highest content of Ra-226 is observed in the ashes deposited on the third and fourth fields of electrostatic precipitators, which indicates the enrichment of finer ash particles with this radionuclide. The conclusions obtained correspond to the well-known thesis about the increased radioactivity of ash particles that are not deposited by ash collection systems and enter the atmosphere together with flue gases. The proposed method for studying the distribution of natural radionuclides over the fields of electrostatic precipitators can be used to predict the radioactivity of particles that are not captured by the flue gas cleaning system and released into the environment.
Журнал: Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Geo Assets Engineering
Номера страниц: 177-186
Место издания: Томск
Издатель: Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет