Multipath propagation of low-frequency radio waves inferred from high-resolution array analysis : научное издание


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2015

Идентификатор DOI: 10.1002/2015RS005781

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Журнал: Radio Science

Выпуск журнала: Т. 50, 11

Номера страниц: 1141-1149

ISSN журнала: 00486604

Издатель: American Geophysical Union


  • Füllekrug M. (Centre for Space,Atmospheric and Oceanic Science,Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,University of Bath)
  • Smith N. (Centre for Space,Atmospheric and Oceanic Science,Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,University of Bath)
  • Mezentsev A. (Centre for Space,Atmospheric and Oceanic Science,Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,University of Bath)
  • Watson R. (Centre for Space,Atmospheric and Oceanic Science,Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,University of Bath)
  • Astin I. (Centre for Space,Atmospheric and Oceanic Science,Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,University of Bath)
  • Evans A. (Centre for Space,Atmospheric and Oceanic Science,Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,University of Bath)
  • Rycroft M. (Centre for Space,Atmospheric and Oceanic Science,Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,University of Bath)
  • Gaffet S. (Laboratoire Souterrain À Bas Bruit,UMS 3538,University of Avignon,CNRS)

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