On the assessment of some factors involved in rolling metal powders


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 1966

Идентификатор DOI: 10.1007/BF00773902

Аннотация: Comparing the function (3) with (8) and the function (9) with (14) we see that the number of arguments for which the investigation must be carried out decreases considerably: in the former case from ten to seven and in the latter case from eight to five. It is much easier to investigate the functions (8) and (14) than the original Показать полностьюfunctions (3) and (9). It does not follow from the original content of the ?-theorem that this is the only possible grouping of variables. The opposite is the case: many other systems of grouping can be used and their use is determined by the conditions and the convenience of processing of the experimental data. Relations (8) and (14) show that the experimental data must be systematized according to all criteria which they contain. If the investigation requires the study of only one of the criteria the other criteria should retain constant values for the entire series of tests. However, in many investigations this condition is not adhered to. It is as yet not possible to define the functions (8) and (14) or the values of the constant C1, but the ?-theorem satisfactorily fulfills its purpose: it reduces the number of basic arguments by systematically grouping them and provides the investigator with parameters independent of the dimensional units. It remains still to determine by analytical or experimental methods the form of the function (3). Papers [7, 8] furnish examples of the use of the ?-theorem or of the dimensional theory. The use of dimensional analysis in investigations opens wide prospects not only in the rolling of metal powders but also in other fields of powder metallurgy. Р’В© 1966 Consultants Bureau.

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Журнал: Soviet Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics

Выпуск журнала: Vol. 4, Is. 10

Номера страниц: 798-804


  • Zhilkin V.Z. (M. I. Kalinin Krasnoyarsk Institute of Nonferrous Metals, Russia)
  • Gaidar L.M. (M. I. Kalinin Krasnoyarsk Institute of Nonferrous Metals, Russia)

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