Перевод названия: Immunopathological disorders in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis, interfacing with Chlamydia infection
Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2010
Ключевые слова: chlamydia infection, rhinitis, maxillary sinusitis, immunity
Аннотация: We show comparative analysis of clinical laboratory study patients with chronic rhinitis and maxillary sinusitis, associated and non-associated with Chlamydia infection. In patients with Chlamydia infection we found one-direction pathological disturbances from the side of immune system, typical for the patients with or without ChlaПоказать полностьюmydia. The disturbances were combined with some peculiarities of immune response to infection agent. In nose and nasal sinus Chlamydia infection disease we didn't mark the activation of immunity humoral link, found in non-verified Chlamydia infection. Metabolic response of lymphocytes in identified Chlamydia infection was poorly expressed.
Журнал: Якутский медицинский журнал
Выпуск журнала: № 3-31
Номера страниц: 31-35
ISSN журнала: 18131905
Место издания: Якутск
Издатель: Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение "Якутский научный центр комплексных медицинских проблем"