Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2017
Идентификатор DOI: 10.5593/sgemsocial2017/62/S26.045
Ключевые слова: typological and stylistic analysis, monument of cultural heritage, regional architecture, potential of architecture, the mansion of P.I. Gadalov, the architecture of Krasnoyarsk, eclectic Modern
Аннотация: Preservation of monuments of cultural inheritance is one of the priorities of cultural policy all over the world. It is especially important to preserve historical monuments in the regions possessing unique specimen of world level cultural phenomena in their original interpretation, unusual for the capital city. Nowadays architectuПоказать полностьюral monuments, which are at the same time objects of cultural heritage and part of the current city environment, need more careful attitude, protection and reconstruction of their historical appearance. Additional efforts are necessary in order to realize their historical and artistic potential for the inhabitants of the city, passing by them every day. It mainly concerns the regions, which are remote from the cultural centres, where the lack of research of historical and artistic potential of architectural monuments prevents forming the conscious positive attitude of the inhabitants towards these monuments as the objects of pride, unique landmarks, tourist attractions etc. The article touches upon the problem of research and realization of cultural- historical potential of monuments, which are objects of cultural heritage of the region. On the example of typological analysis of the mansion of P.I. Gadalov (currently the building of Krasnoyarsk Art Museum named after V.I. Surikov) in the city of Krasnoyarsk, the rich socio-cultural potential of the architectural monument is revealed. The conclusion is made about the capability of monuments of cultural heritage of the regional level to represent not only the local artistic and cultural phenomena important for the time of their creation, but also to reflect all Russia and world phenomena, including phenomena from other historical epochs.
Журнал: SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social sciences and Arts
Выпуск журнала: № 6-2
Номера страниц: 371-378
ISSN журнала: 23675659
Место издания: София
Издатель: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью СТЕФ92 Технолоджи