Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2019
Ключевые слова: Semantic compatibility of educational information, parameters of educational information compatibility, modeling, dichotomy, systematic approach, thesaurus measure of an educational text
Аннотация: This study explored the process of selecting parameters, which precedes the development of a computer model for analyzing educational texts in terms of the semantic compatibility of the information embedded in them. To analyze the selected set of dichotomies, one should solve several specific applied problems using the methods of mПоказать полностьюathematical modeling. One of these tasks is the creation of automated tools for identifying some compatibility aspects of information in educational texts. The authors used the dichotomous version of the system approach to identify the pairs of opposites in the concept of "educational information," with subsequent content analysis and interpretation of the characteristics of this multidimensional and complex object. The identified dichotomies were used for substantiating a set of parameters according to the compatibility of educational information entered into computer programs for the analysis and processing of educational texts. The aim was improving the perception and acquisition of scientific knowledge mastered by students. The selected parameters demonstrate the role of the thesaurus and its distribution in the material and consider the unconscious component of the psyche. By analyzing structural characteristics represented in a system of signs, it is possible to use the considered set of indicators for assessing the compatibility of the semantic content of the texts.
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 8, Is. 23
Номера страниц: 506-516
ISSN журнала: 23226307
Место издания: FLORENCE