Тип публикации: научное издание
Год издания: 2020
Идентификатор DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-27015-5_23
Ключевые слова: Crowd-funding, Crowd-investing, Crowd-lending, Digitalization, Investment process, Investment tools
Аннотация: The relevance of the study is due to the development of digitalization processes of economy, including its financial sector. The introduction of modern technologies contributes to the creation of new financial products, the emergence of fundamentally new mechanisms and ways implementing the investment process. In this regard, the aПоказать полностьюrticle is aimed at studying the investment behavior of macroeconomic entities in the context of establishing a new economic model that creates conditions for the formation and operation of new tools and investment methods. The article is aimed at identifying and describing the features of the investment behavior of economic entities, the appearance of which is due to the transformation of motivational incentives to implement investment activities. The leading approach used in the research is systemic-dialectical, which involves a comprehensive consideration of the investment process as a systemic phenomenon. The article identifies the prerequisites for changing the investment behavior of macroeconomic agents, due to the emergence of new investment tools, such as crowd-funding, crowd-investing and crowd-lending. It is proved that the introduction of digital technologies expands the investment opportunities of the subjects, which contributes to more effective implementation of their economic and institutional interests. It is shown that the ongoing evolution of the social-and-economic system, caused by digitalization, changes the traditional understanding the types of economic activity of economic agents. The article materials are of practical value for assessing the level of investment potential of macroeconomic entities; for analyzing the process of introduction and development of new technological platforms. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.
Журнал: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 84
Номера страниц: 180-188
ISSN журнала: 23673370
Издатель: Springer