Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2020
Идентификатор DOI: 10.15293/2658-6762.2006.06
Ключевые слова: cultural characteristics, moral education interventions, regional characteristics, students' motivation, the siberian federal district (the russian federation), university students, value orientations
Аннотация: Introduction. The article deals with the effectiveness of moral education interventions implemented by modern universities, aimed at developing students' values, attitudes, beliefs and ideals which correspond to national goals and the ideas of improving Russian living standards. The purpose of this article is to analyze the value-bПоказать полностьюased attitudes of undergraduate students of higher educational institutions in the Siberian Federal District (the Russian Federation) in order to identify the initial world outlook of university students, for whom moral education concepts, strategies and projects are currently being developed. Materials and Methods. The data were collected via self-complete questionnaires and were summarized and processed using the IBM SPSS software. In order to substantiate the conceptual and methodological basis of the study, the method of reviewing recent scholarly literature and the method of concept and ideal type differentiation were employed to define the terms and approaches used in the result interpretation. Results. The value-based orientations of Siberian undergraduate students are strongly related to their families, future careers and places of residence. The on-line survey empirical data have clarified the nature of students' values and their traditional framework. The students are focused on pursuing careers associated with their professional aptitudes and high income at the same time. Moreover, students' values include marriage and having children. Conclusions. The study reveals the transitional nature of students' value orientations. The regional and cultural specifics of Siberian undergraduate students' value orientations are determined by the transitional nature of contemporary values, beliefs and motivations, where both collectivist and individualistic attitudes are combined, as well as by a dualistic attitude to their place of residence. © 2020 Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University. All rights reserved.
Журнал: Science for Education Today
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 10, Is. 6
Номера страниц: 101-119
ISSN журнала: 26586762
Издатель: Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University