System for Capturing Vapors of Oil and Oil Products in the Course of Loading and Unloading Operations and in Transportation : научное издание


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2020

Ключевые слова: condensation of vapors, evaporation, loading and unloading operations, losses, oil and oil products, refrigerant, tank cars

Аннотация: The constructions and operating principles of devices for reducing losses due to evaporation of oil and oil products in the course of loading and unloading operations and transportation of oil and oil products are considered. The effectiveness of the proposed system derives from preventing the entry of atmospheric pollutants and moПоказать полностьюisture into the tank cars, maintenance of the quality of the oil products, increasing the time devoted to cleanout of the storage tanks and tank cars, reducing losses of oil products, and protecting the environment against harmful discharges of vapors of oils and oil products.

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Выпуск журнала: Vol. 55, Is. 11-12

Номера страниц: 967-971

ISSN журнала: 15738329

Место издания: NEW YORK

Издатель: SPRINGER
