Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference 2018, RPTC 2018; Москва, Россия; Москва, Россия
Год издания: 2018
Ключевые слова: Fracture, Gasoline, Horizontal wells, Hydraulic fracturing, Monitoring, Oil field development, Oil well completion, Oil well production, Proven reserves, Reserves to production ratio, Well drilling, Well logging, Drilling and completion, Monitoring method
Аннотация: With the development of well drilling and completion technologies multistage hydraulic fracturing in horizontal wells has proven to be the most effective method of production stimulation at the Priobskoye field with hard-to-recover oil reserves. At that,
Журнал: Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference 2018, RPTC 2018
Издатель: Society of Petroleum Engineers