Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: Современные проблемы архитектуры, градостроительства, дизайна; Красноярск; Красноярск
Год издания: 2013
Аннотация: A person is a spiritual being though he can forget about it. He feels a need for attributing soul to the world and subjects being in touch with, or the things he creates himself to impregnate things with his energy, thoughts and emotions. Creative people do it consciously and professionally, sometimes skillfully, rather seldom – inПоказать полностьюgeniously. And they forget about responsibility for what they have been doing. As for, there is a feedback connection when the embodied thing comes to life, gets power and starts speaking with the person itself. It influences exciting or suppressing his divine spark, harmonizing or destroying a per- son. It is strongly seen through architecture. Whether a person wants it or not, but he lives directly inside the architectural entourage, feels its influence, and inconspicuously, but definitely is being changed. A person makes environment – environment makes a person.
Журнал: Город, пригодный для жизни
Номера страниц: 250-255
Издатель: Сибирский федеральный университет