Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)
Год издания: 2019
Ключевые слова: InSAR; stereo; lidar; waveform; LandSAR; LandStereo; LandLidar; forest; biomass; AGB RADAR BACKSCATTER MODEL; MICROWAVE BACKSCATTERING; L-BAND #331: The accurate mapping of forest AGB using remote sensing dataset is hindered by the saturation problem and the terrain effects. Direct measurement of forest spatial structures and terrains should be the solutions of these problems. However, the information of forest vertical structure and ground surface terrain are always mixed together in remote sensing datasets which can directly measure the elevations of ground objects. One potential way is to separate them is to synthesize InSAR, stereo imagery and lidar waveform. Theoretical model is needed for this effort. In this study, a unified model was presented, which can be used to simulate InSAR, stereo imagery and lidar waveforms over mountainous forest landscapes., waveform, stereo, lidar, LandStereo, LandSAR, LandLidar, InSAR, forest, biomass, AGB
Журнал: 2019 IEEE International geoscience and remote sensing symposium (IGARSS 2019)
Номера страниц: 4892-4895
ISSN журнала: 21536996
Место издания: New York
Издатель: IEEE