Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: Enviromis 2016; Томск; Томск
Год издания: 2016
Аннотация: Boreal wildfires are large sources of reactive trace gases and aerosols, and their emissions, accounting for up to 20% of global C emissions from biomass burning, are believed to significantly influence the chemical composition of the atmosphere and the global earth's climate system. Although the problem of quantifying direct emissПоказать полностьюions from wildfires has received attention, their calculations still remain uncertain due to problems with emission factors (i), available carbon for combustion (ii), and imprecise estimates of burned areas (iii). Linking simultaneous instrumental observations of atmospheric composition in fire plumes, GIS-based estimates of ac- tive fire spots, burned areas and related parameters (fire disturbances of vegetation, fire intensity etc), and in-situ calculations of changes in ecosystem C pools prior and after fire is a powerful tool to fill this gap in our knowledge. Since 2006 the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO; www.zottoproject.org) a research platform for large-scale climatic observations is operational in Central Siberia (60°48'N, 89°21'E). We present the results of our multidisciplinary research to reducing uncertainties in quantifiyng fire influence on atmospheric composition deduced from the large-scale fires that occured in 2012 in the tall tower footprint area. Analysis of air composition in fire plumes was based on time series of CO/CO2/CH4 mixing ratios meas- ured at 300 m a.g.l. at ZOTTO. Air transport from specific wildfires upwind of the measurement site was traced based on ensembles of 24-hrs backward trajectories from ARL NOAA HYSPLIT model, while active fires were detected from Terra/Aqua MODIS satellite data. Chemical analysis of samples of atmospheric particulate matter (PM) was performed in fire plumes during the same time for identifying biomarkers, or compounds indicative of a unique biological source, and thus served as a powerful tool to trace the origin and transformations of organic matter (OM). Inter alia levoglucosan (1,6-anhydro-b-D-glucopyranose) and its isomers (mannosan and galacto- san) as dehydro-monosaccharide derivatives formed exclusively during incomplete combustion of fuels contain- ing cellulose/hemicellulose and lignin phenols (vanillyl, syringyl and cinnamyl phenols) and their compositional changes were used to differentiate signals among tissue types (woody/nonwoody) and vascular plant groups (an- giosperm/gymnosperm). The Lignin Phenol Vegetation Index (LPVI) as a quantitative parameter representing the entire characteristics of the vegetation was used to be an additional tool to partition OM among end-member sources.
Журнал: Enviromis 2016
Номера страниц: 226-229
Издатель: Томский центр научно-технической информации