Тип публикации: статья из журнала
Год издания: 2021
Идентификатор DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.1.357
Ключевые слова: bureaucracy, civil servants, official's salary, standard of living, revolutionary movement, socio-political sentiments, yenisei province, irkutsk province, irkutsk governor-general, siberia, russian empire
Аннотация: This article tested the facts of the disunity of the socio-political views of local officials at the beginning of the 20th century. It's previously unknown to historical science. Territorial boundaries are defined by Siberia as a remote territory of the Russian Empire, characterized by greater class heterogeneity among civil servanПоказать полностьюts than in European Russia. Thus, the last governor of the Yenisei province, Ya. G. Gololobov, before his appointment to Siberia, was a member of the "Soyuz 17 October party", a deputy of the Third State Duma of the Russian Empire, a hereditary nobleman, but openly opposing conservatism in the system of government. He had many supporters of his ideas in the parliament. The reasons for the formation of his socio-political views were ideological principles, which consisted in the need for changes. On the basis of archival materials, it has been proved that officials in Siberia (natives of the peasant and bourgeois environment) were more susceptible to tendencies characteristic of the oppositional mass consciousness of the early 20th century. For example, the stories of an employee of the notary office of the city of Kansk (M.D. Yudin) and a clerical employee of the Yenisei Provincial Administration (A.F. Ilyushin), who committed crimes against the order of administration, but were not brought to the appropriate legal responsibility for unknown reasons, are shown. The first of them, a peasant by origin M.D. Yudin participated in the shooting at Gorodovoy of the Kansk district police in 1910. M.D. Yudin was sentenced to short-term arrest. He was listed in the police structures as a politically unreliable person. He was involved in revolutionary sabotage; however, he continued his career and in 1916 even served as a notary of the city Kansk. The second, official A.F. Ilyushin was the tradesman of the city of Achinsk. He outraged the state flag of the Russian Empire publicly in 1908. He told slogans of proclamation of the revolutionary events of 1905-1907. He tried unsuccessfully to continue his career in the Tomsk province, but he managed to recover in the staff of the Yenisei provincial administration. Archival data indicate that AF Ilyushin worked in the system of public administration until 1919. The top officials of the Irkutsk Governor-General saw the reasons for the disunity and opposition of political views among officials in the low level of salaries. The statistics presented in the article from the reports of officials of the interdepartmental meeting proves that the remuneration of civil servants does not correspond to the requirements of the time in the conditions of the high cost of the beginning of the 20th century. This article tested the facts of the disunity of the socio-political views of local officials at the beginning of the 20th century. It's previously unknown to historical science. Territorial boundaries are defined by Siberia as a remote territory of the Russian Empire, characterized by greater class heterogeneity among civil servants than in European Russia. Thus, the last governor of the Yenisei province, Ya. G. Gololobov, before his appointment to Siberia, was a member of the "Soyuz 17 October party", a deputy of the Third State Duma of the Russian Empire, a hereditary nobleman, but openly opposing conservatism in the system of government. He had many supporters of his ideas in the parliament. The reasons for the formation of his socio-political views were ideological principles, which consisted in the need for changes. On the basis of archival materials, it has been proved that officials in Siberia (natives of the peasant and bourgeois environment) were more susceptible to tendencies characteristic of the oppositional mass consciousness of the early 20th century. For example, the stories of an employee of the notary office of the city of Kansk (M.D. Yudin) and a clerical employee of the Yenisei Provincial Administration (A.F. Ilyushin), who committed crimes against the order of administration, but were not brought to the appropriate legal responsibility for unknown reasons, are shown. The first of them, a peasant by origin M.D. Yudin participated in the shooting at Gorodovoy of the Kansk district police in 1910. M.D. Yudin was sentenced to short-term arrest. He was listed in the police structures as a politically unreliable person. He was involved in revolutionary sabotage; however, he continued his career and in 1916 even served as a notary of the city Kansk. The second, official A.F. Ilyushin was the tradesman of the city of Achinsk. He outraged the state flag of the Russian Empire publicly in 1908. He told slogans of proclamation of the revolutionary events of 1905-1907. He tried unsuccessfully to continue his career in the Tomsk province, but he managed to recover in the staff of the Yenisei provincial administration. Archival data indicate that AF Ilyushin worked in the system of public administration until 1919. The top officials of the Irkutsk Governor-General saw the reasons for the disunity and opposition of political views among officials in the low level of salaries. The statistics presented in the article from the reports of officials of the interdepartmental meeting proves that the remuneration of civil servants does not correspond to the requirements of the time in the conditions of the high cost of the beginning of the 20th century. © 2021 International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research. All rights reserved.
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 16, Is. 1
Номера страниц: 357-364
ISSN журнала: 20739745
Место издания: BRATISLAVA