Историческая терминография русского языка: этапы становления и перспективы развития


Перевод названия: Historical terminography of Russian language: timeline and prospects for development

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2012

Ключевые слова: historical terminography of the Russian language, special vocabulary of past eras, dictionaries, typology, историческая терминография русского языка, специальная лексика прошлых эпох, словари, типология

Аннотация: В статье устанавливается статус исторической терминографии русского языка, кратко характеризуются основные этапы становления данной отрасли, дается классификация исторических словарей специальной лексики по предметной ориентации, назначению, объему и порядку расположения словарных статей. Определяются актуальные задачи лексикографиПоказать полностьюческого описания терминов, прототерминов, предтерминов, терминоидов и профессионализмов. Особо подчеркивается необходимость создания словарей активного типа, ориентированных не только на фиксацию семантического содержания, но и на отражение динамики специального слова. Historical terminography solves theoretical and practical problems of lexicographical fixation of the special vocabulary of past eras. This branch of linguistics is actively engaged with a wide range of scientific disciplines. The very existence of historical terminography is impossible without the support of the conceptual apparatus of the diverse areas of human knowledge and practice. Historical dictionaries of specialized vocabulary reflect the formation of term systems. They contain information about the features of scientific, economic, social, political and cultural life of our ancestors, as well as the stages of accumulation of scientific knowledge about the material and mental world. That is why not only the scientists who study the history of Russian language and culture have the need in such dictionaries, but the inquisitive people of all ages and professions, too. Traditions of lexicographical description of the "Russian Antiquities" were laid by V.I. Tatishchev in the late 18th century. The first historical and terminological dictionaries were poorly differentiated from the encyclopedic reference books, the descriptive method of interpretation of words dominated and a variety of background information was reported. In the mid-twentieth century historical terminography was part of the Applied Linguistics. The main objectives of this branch of Russian studies were: 1) reflection of the special vocabulary in the early stages of the term systems formation; 2) demonstration of the dynamics of nominative processes within the forming terminology; 3) a reflection of deep connection of the language with the spiritual and material culture of the society. There is a great variety of types of historical dictionaries of the special vocabulary of the Russian language. According to the subject areas there are interdisciplinary, specialized and industry specific dictionaries. According to the purpose there are encyclopaedic, definition dictionaries, definition dictionaries with elements of encyclopaedic description. In terms of volume there are big, medium, small and mini-dictionaries. Depending on the order of the entries there are alphabetic, ideographic historical and terminological dictionaries. The vital problem of historical terminography at the present stage is to create a dictionary of the active type, oriented not only on the fixation of semantic content, but also on the reflection of the dynamics of the specific word. It is important to enhance the sociocultural component of the dictionaries. It is necessary to develop a theoretical framework of lexicographical description of the various categories of special vocabulary of the Russian language of the 11th-17th and 18th - the beginning of the 20th centuries (terms, preterms, terminoids, industry words). In addition, of great importance is the involvement of new sources, preparation of electronic files and implementation of computer methods of analysis and lexicographical fixation of the vocabulary of the past eras. It is relevant to create dictionaries, which reflect the linguistic and functional diversity of the specialized vocabulary in its historical development.

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Журнал: Вопросы лексикографии

Выпуск журнала: 2

Номера страниц: 33-38

ISSN журнала: 22274200

Место издания: Томск

Издатель: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет


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