Тип публикации: доклад, тезисы доклада, статья из сборника материалов конференций
Конференция: All-Russian Conference Spatial Data Processing for Monitoring of Natural and Anthropogenic Processes; 29 August 2017 through 31 August 2017; 29 August 2017 through 31 August 2017
Год издания: 2017
Ключевые слова: Amphipods, Geographic information system, Geoportal, Gmelinoides fasciatus, Habitats, Philolimnogammarus viridis, Spatial distribution, Web mapping, Yenisei, Zoobenthos
Аннотация: The current state of endemic Baikal amphipods in the Yenisei river, and the results of expeditionary research are discussed. Reusable increasing the density of amphipods in the Yenisei river after the water regulation by the dam of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station is noted. The data of hydrobiological monitoring has beenПоказать полностьюdesigned in the form of geoportal geospatial database, which provides visualization of research results as interactive thematic maps along with direct access to data via web mapping services from GIS software.
Журнал: CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Выпуск журнала: Vol. 2033
Номера страниц: 237-241
ISSN журнала: 00132851
Издатель: CEUR-WS