Теория и практика археолого-этнографических реконструкций процесса этногенеза коренных народов Красноярского Севера : научное издание


Перевод названия: Theoretical and practical issues of archeological and ethnographic reconstructions in the ethnogenesis of native peoples of the Krasnoyarskii North

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2013

Ключевые слова: archeology, ethnography, ethnogenesis, Krasnoyarskii North, археология, этнография, этногенез, Красноярский Север

Аннотация: Проведена попытка археолого-этнографических реконструкций процесса этногенеза коренных народов Красноярского Севера. Дан краткий историографический обзор подобных реконструкций. На основе новых археологических материалов из районов Северного Приангарья и Нижнего Енисея предлагается авторское видение процесса этногенеза коренных нарПоказать полностьюодов Севера Приенисейского края. Делается вывод о чересполосном проживании с эпохи неолита разных по происхождению этносов, где Приенисейский край являлся естественной территорией соприкосновения праюкагиров и других народов уральской языковой группы с прототунгусами, кетами и другими южными и восточносибирскими по происхождению этносами. The publication authors noticed that archaeological and ethnographic reconstructions of Krasnoyarsk North native people ethnogeny process are the most difficult in theory as well as in practice. The newest archaeological materials from the Low Yenisei and the North Angara region let add some corrections into existing hypothesizes. At the beginning of the late Stone Age the Angara region and Krasnoyarsk-Kansk forest steppe was under the influence of east Siberian cultures. The prevalence in this region of vessels with plaiting technical ornament and original legate ceramics shows it. It is possible that such ceramics tradition bearers belonged to the early Yukagir community. On the territory of the modern Evenkia and the Angara region in III century BC influence of west Siberian cultures and ceramics bearers with linear and annular ornament considerably increases. Here we can see representatives of early Samoyedic community. There are south Siberian cultural impulses coming from Minusinsk hollow in the early Bronze Age in Krasnoyarsk forest steppe. At the same time here and in the Kansk hollow the influence of west Siberian cultures continues. The Low Angara region monuments are attracted to Glazkov culture of Baikal region. Archaeological materials from the northestKarasuk burials bring to conclusion about insufficient argumentation of suppliers of the Yenisei heathen of Karasuk archeological culture bearers. In the early Iron Age there are findings of bronze Kulaysk things in the Low Yenisei and the North Angara region. That says about connection between native tribes and west Siberian population. There is the particular interest for ethnic genetic constructions about existing and developing of different ceramics types with thin moulded rolls at the end of 1 st millennium BC till the beginning of 2 nd millennium AD which involve areas from the south of Siberia to Taimyr. Bearers of this tradition can be Yenisei heathen people ancestors and representatives of other closed people carrying along by them to the North. X-XII centuries buries made by cremation rites found at the last time in the North and the Yenisei Angara region say about entering of people connected by culture and genetic with cultures of south Siberia steppe from Kuznetsk hollow to Baikal region. And Tungus populate the Baikal region and the right bank of the Yenisei later, in XII-XV centuries. Inhabitants of steppe region onrush in the second half of 1 st and the beginning of the 2 nd millennium AD came to considerable migrations of the South Siberia Samoyedic people. The part of them came to north until the Arctic Ocean and became the catalyst of the Low Yenisei and Taimyr aborigines by Samoyedic people. Overall we can state that accumulation of new sources will provide opportunities for recreation of the North of Middle Siberia aborigines' ancient history.

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Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета. История

Выпуск журнала: 3

Номера страниц: 190-193

ISSN журнала: 19988613

Место издания: Томск

Издатель: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет


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