Образ городской цивилизации в поздних рассказах В.М. Шукшина: миметический и семантический аспекты


Перевод названия: Image of urban civilization in late stories by V.M. Shukshin: mimetic and semantic aspects

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2012

Ключевые слова: Shukshin, SHORT stories, image of the city, Шукшин, рассказы, образ города

Аннотация: В статье рассматривается образ цивилизации как он описан в различные периоды творчества В.М. Шукшина. Преимущество при анализе отдано зрелым и поздним текстам мастера - наиболее репрезентативным с точки зрения заявленной темы. Представлена картина города, выстраивающаяся в сознании героев, нарратора, автора. Концепция современной цПоказать полностьюивилизации разворачивается в нескольких направлениях: вещи-символы, присутствующие в деревне и «контекстуально» отсылающие к образу города; устойчивые мотивы и локусы, решение которых на разных временных отрезках было неоднозначным. The article deals with the image of civilization as it appears in different periods of creativity of V.M. Shukshin. The advantage in the analysis is given to mature and late texts of the writer as most representative in terms of the stated theme. The image of the city, which is created in the minds of the characters, the narrator and the author is analysed. The concept of modern civilization is seen in several ways: symbols of things that are present in the village and "contextually" refer to the image of the city (most often it is television, radio, abaci, books that establish relations or settle scores); stable motives and loci, which are filled unequally in different periods of art. In the early texts the city is "a different world", the idea of which lives in the minds of all characters, it is only the background, shading the problems of rural life, preserving self-worth. A critical attitude to the city is formed by the mid-1960s, the question arises about the price of goods of civilization, the loss of the village's own face. The problem of "town ? village" comes to be seen in the existential aspect of the person's choice not of the place to live, but life's journey. The criteria that guide the person are analysed. The town is an opportunity of testing, meeting with the different, through the relations with this comes self-knowledge. At the opposite axis are urban intellectuals associated with high achievements of progress, and officials of ministers, who found comfort in philistine. Between these extremes lies the road of the hero-traveller. The final period of Shukshin's work ? the beginning of the 1970s ? is marked by special concentration on the theme of civilization. Recent villagers quickly adapt to the culture media, follow someone else's models; the city casts a spell; the temptation becomes universal. The paper analyses the major urban toposes in the art of Shukshin: bureau/office, pharmacy/hospital, shop/restaurant, house/apartment, hotel/hostel, exhibition and circus. In addition, loci were marked that are functionally identical to crossroads: buses, cars, airplanes. Movement within a civilization is organised by using "wonderful things" ? prescriptions, certificates, banknotes, which open the right door before the petitioner. The conclusions are made that the town as a chronotope is implemented in the short stories by Shukshin in several directions: the arrival of a villager in the town and the related personality tests; methods of development of the anti-world in all the diversity of its representations. The projections of worlds are aligned in accordance with the spiritual experience, goals of the narrator and characters; the same space is given different characteristics. The author understands existence as the eternal movement of forms, dictating the absence of clear boundaries between phenomena and spaces. The secret character exists on the borders; he is in constant motion; he belongs to the element of time, and basically he has no roots. The key idea of the author is the idea of the unity of Russia, searching for methods of communication that would connect a villager, his fellow-countryman, who moved to the city, and a true intellectual.

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Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета. Филология

Выпуск журнала: 1

Номера страниц: 74-93

ISSN журнала: 19986645

Место издания: Томск

Издатель: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет


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