След взаимоотношений с И.С. Тургеневым в повести Л.Н. Толстого «Альберт»: социально-психологические аспекты художественной структуры : научное издание


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2017

Идентификатор DOI: 10.17223/15617793/418/7

Ключевые слова: Л.Н. Толстой, И.С. Тургенев, мотив, сюжет, поэтика, поле литературы, символический капитал, переписка, дневники, автобиографизм, Leo Tolstoy, Ivan Turgenev, motif, plot, poetics, literary field, cultural capital, correspondence, diary, autobiography

Аннотация: Повесть Л.Н. Толстого «Альберт» рассматривается в контексте взаимоотношений автора с И.С. Тургеневым, стремившимся занять символическую позицию наставника «молодого писателя». Как с точки зрения особенностей историко-литературного процесса и правил «поля литературы», так и в свете показательных фактических совпадений прослеживаетсяПоказать полностьюпараллель между действиями Альберта и Делесова, с одной стороны, и событиями в жизни Толстого в 1857 г. - с другой. The article analyzes Leo Tolstoy's "Albert" story (1858) as a landmark text which reflects some aspects of interrelation with Ivan Turgenev. The publication of the story was a peculiar stage in Tolstoy's work. The author considers "Albert" in terms of literary history and sociology. The literary generations shift could be considered as a struggle against traditions of the previous epoch and reconstruction of earlier patterns, but not as a direct and evolutionary inheritance of them. According to the rules of the literary field, Tolstoy had to find a mentor in order to provide advancement to a higher position of the cultural hierarchy at the beginning of his literary career. Turgenev, who gradually lost his positions in the Sovremennik journal, attempted to supervise the young writer and to guide him in order to gain a recognized status of an original talent adviser. However, Tolstoy breached this rule of the literary field and refused to follow the rules wittingly: he denied Turgenev's intentions to take a supervising position. During the period from 1855 till 1861, the writers repeatedly quarreled. In the spring of 1857, Tolstoy traveled to Europe, where he was working on the story originally entitled 'Propashchiy' (finally transformed into "Albert"), when he was inspired by his acquaintance with the violinist Georg Kiesewetter. At the first step, Tolstoy planned to incorporate the plot about a musician into his "Youth" autobiographical masterpiece, so that we consider the story as having self-representing intentions. In Paris, the writer frequently spent time with Turgenev, who persevered to influence the former. After his return to Yasnaya Polyana, Tolstoy continued working on "Albert". By the beginning of 1858, several variants of the story and the final version were created. Despite the fact that most of Tolstoy's fellow writers did not like his story, and Nikolay Nekrasov, the owner of Sovremennik at the time, attempted to convince the author not to publish it, Tolstoy insisted on publishing "Albert". After that he refused to communicate with most of the literature elite of Saint-Petersburg. Turgenev's influence on the younger writer and the author's attempt to refuse it can be traced on different levels of text. First, Tolstoy depicted the interaction between the two people of different generations, and, what is more, the oldest one (Delesov) aimed to supervise the youngest (Albert) and to help him to succeed in the artistic field. Second, the patronized character resisted the influence, breaking the prescribed rules. This notion is confirmed by a series of Albert's provocative actions, which finally led him to escape from his mentor. Third, the story contains some explicit motif references to Tolstoy and Turgenev's relations, such as the characters' names, chronotope, mentioning Pauline Viardot, etc. To sum up, the model of the social and psychological interaction between the two writers impacted Tolstoy's story plot structure.

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Журнал: Вестник Томского государственного университета

Выпуск журнала: 418

Номера страниц: 53-61

ISSN журнала: 15617793

Место издания: Томск

Издатель: Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет"


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