Structural properties and state of the surface layer of zirconium dioxide modified by tungstate anions : научное издание


Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2012

Идентификатор DOI: 10.1134/S0036024412100135

Аннотация: A tetragonal metastable phase of zirconium dioxide formed after the addition of tungstate anions (13 mol %) to the hydroxide precursor by different methods with heating (600–700°C), as revealed by X-ray diffraction analysis and X-ray photoelectron and IR spectroscopy. The W6+ and W5+ cations formed a solid solution with ZrO2. On thПоказать полностьюe surface of the solid solution, the tungsten cations formed tungstate clusters (?WO x ?)n. The formation of the WO3 phase was observed at concentrations of tungstate anions higher than 17.6 mol % or at temperatures of 850–870°C.

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Журнал: Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Выпуск журнала: Т. 86, 10

Номера страниц: 1614-1617

ISSN журнала: 00360244

Место издания: Москва

Издатель: Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд)


  • Kuznetsova L.I. (Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Kazbanova A.V. (Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Solovyov L.A. (Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Mikhlin Yu.L. (Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Paukshtis E.A. (Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Kuznetsov P.N. (Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences)

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