Хронология и периодизация эпохи неолита и бронзы краснояроской лесостепи : научное издание


Перевод названия: Chronology and periodization of Neolithic and Bronthe Age of the Krasnoyarsk partially wooded steppe

Тип публикации: статья из журнала

Год издания: 2005

Аннотация: Based upon the stratigraphy of the most important sites Cave Yeleneva, Borovoe 1-2, Shalunin Byk, Ust'-Karaul'naya, Zimoveinaya, Yazaevka author have established the relative chronology of the Neolithic - Bronze Age of the Krasnoyarsk's partially-wooded steppe. The correlation of delineated complexes with the well known sites of thПоказать полностьюe neighboring areas and the analysis of the main types of pottery and implements allow author to distinguish the Early, Middle and Late Neolithic and the Early and Late Bronze Age. The complexity of the archaeological data and the data of natural sciences gave the possibility to obtain the absolute chronology of the delineated periods (Early Neolithic - V millenium ВС, Developed Neolithic - IV millenium ВС, Late Neolithic - IV/ III millenium ВС, Early Bronze Age - second half of Ill-end of II millenium ВС, Late Bronze Age - Karasuk Period - XI-VIII centuries ВС). Author had analyzed the ceramic data, sets of stone ad bone implements and then supposes the local genesis of the culture of Neolithic of the Krasnoyarsk's partially-wooded steppe grounded on the autochthon Mesolithic tribes. The anthropologic data point out the closeness of the Neolithic population of the Middle Yenisei to the Cisbaikalian Mongoloid type. Author delineates two traces of development of the material culture. The first one grounded on the local tradition of the ceramic ornamentation and on the production of the different types of artifacts during the Neolithic - end of Early Bronze Age. The second trace links with the penetration of the new population into the Krasnoyarsk's partially-wooded steppe. Author believe that there were several waves of such penetration of the peoples of Western-Siberian and South-Siberian cultural traditions in Developed Neolithic (IV millenium ВС) - Early Bronze Age.

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Журнал: Известия лаборатории древних технологий

Выпуск журнала: 1

Номера страниц: 149-171

ISSN журнала: 24158739

Место издания: Иркутск

Издатель: Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Иркутский национальный исследовательский технический университет"


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